occupational therapy month

I am still reeling from this year’s Occupational Therapy Month. I was able to celebrate with my classmates which was exciting and eventful. There is something about celebrating with students who are all immersed and beyond passionate for all things occupational Therapy. The Student Occupational Therapy Association put on so many events — my favorite being a photo booth where students could write and share what occupational therapy means to them.

I also celebrated with an older co-worker and mentor, with her mentors, by attending.  the American of Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA) conference. We met so many inspiring Occupational Therapists. Currently riding out this high and excited for next year’s OT Month and conference in New Orleans.

I also attended a Low-Pressure Fitness instructor course through The Core Recovery Institute in which I learned about intra-abdominal pressure and how it is affecting our urinary, reproductive, and sexual health. I learned how to treat both women and men for this condition and will post more about this soon!

I wrapped up the third term of my doctorate program which leaves one term left until fieldwork. I cannot wait to get back into treatment/practice and utilize all of the methods I am learning.

In the spirit of occupational therapy month — I am kicking off this blog. I am already writing about my life with my family and our travels, but I wanted to open a space to write about all topics concerning life and occupation. I will be writing about occupations and how we are each participating in and affected by them daily. I will be opening up topics for discussion and I am hoping to create an environment to create thoughtful and inspiring discussing on both fun and difficult topics. Feel free to join in and check out my corresponding Instagram account: @lifesoccupations.



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